In My Generation (1939) he wrote that We were born to power and intense nationalism : That America passed away somewhere between 19 and the fact gives my generation its uniqueness we are at once prewar and postwar. In 1920 he was both the product of the great change in American society and its herald-prophet. The war in which he did not see battle changed Fitzgerald s world, erasing the old certainties and faiths. Fitzgerald s reasons for joining the army had little to do with patriotism: it was a way out of his academic difficulties at Princeton, and it was the gentlemanly thing to volunteer. Debs was imprisoned for his opposition toĢ America s involvement in the war. The idealism of the Progressive Movement facilitated America s involvement in World War I with such slogans as The War to End all Wars and The War to Make the World Safe for Democracy. Democrat President Woodrow Wilson ( ) promulgated The New Freedom. His first novel, This Side of Paradise, ends with a denunciation of capitalist inequality. Fitzgerald was never politically active, but like other privileged collegians he regarded himself as a socialist. This period also established the International Workers of the World (known as the Wobblies) and the beginnings of American Socialism. Republican Theodore Roosevelt, President from, was known as The Trust Buster for his opposition to unregulated corporations he sponsored pure food and drug legislation and was regarded as a conservationist. The pre-war years were also a period of social reform and the Progressive Movement. Successful businessmen and moguls were heroes.

The class system was rigid, but Americans still believed that America was the land of opportunity. After Fitzgerald s father lost his job as a Procter & Gamble salesman in 1908, the family of four lived comfortably on Mollie Fitzgerald s income of $5,000 or $6,000 a year from her inheritance. Women were denied career opportunities, as well as the vote until Low taxes and the availability of servants enabled the upper-middle and upper classes to live very well. Workers were wage slaves there were no social security benefits, and pensions were rare. The world of his boyhood was a time of great American fortunes and enormous inequalities. Pre-war to 1920 Born in 1896, Fitzgerald grew up with the manners, values, standards, and culture of the late nineteenth century. His own history reflected the history of his time: his success and fame in the Twenties his crack-up and relative obscurity in the Thirties. In between there was the Boom, the Roaring Twenties, the Jazz Age named by Fitzgerald. The dominant American historical influences during his lifetime were the First World War (The Great War, in Europe) and the Great Depression of the Thirties.
Yet Fitzgerald was a professional writer from 1920 through 1940 connecting him exclusively with the Twenties distorts the shape and significance of his life and career. He is regarded as an exemplary figure for that decade, embodying and expressing its charm, ebullience, waste, genius, dissipation, confidence. Scott Fitzgerald is now automatically identified with the Twenties. An era is defined by the way people felt about what was happening to them and around them. Bruccoli An era is not just a time span it is a period characterized by major events and the responses to them politically, socially, and culturally. 1 Fitzgerald s Eras Social and Political Backgrounds of the 1920s and 1930s by Matthew J.