
In due time
In due time

What we don’t understand as humans is when we pray for one specific thing, God does 10,000 things to answer our prayer. So while we are waiting, we need to keep walking, because while we are praying for one thing (a baby), God is doing 10,000 to make the one thing happen.

  • So often as Christians, we pray prayers and when they aren’t answered right away we begin to grow weary and impatient.
  • We can put our hope in the Lord and and expect that his promise of strength will help us to rise above our trials.
  • Whenever He delays, remember that He’s always faithful and will provide for us in the best possible way at the perfect time.
  • A seed of promise may be planted, and although it remains buried and invisible for an indefinite period, it can be watered through prayer until the sprout breaks through the surface.
  • Just as we know the sun will rise without fail every dawn, we can fully trust the love of God in moments of darkness.
  • We receive deep within ourselves the hard lessons of desert wandering along with the bright hope of a promised deliverer.
  • What we need are eyes to see and ears to hear how the Lord is leading us, as we trust Him for the future.
  • What you pray for reflects what you believe about God.
  • Wait – …Though it linger, wait for it it will certainly come and will not delay.
  • Listen – …I will look to see what he will say to me….
  • What do you do when you are in the trial?.
  • The God who bore Abraham and Sarah a son, is the same God who acts generously when we cry help and is the same God who can bless us with a child.
  • When you can’t understand what God is doing, look at what he has already done.
  • During suffering, you can choose to run to God or run away from God.
  • The God who wills evil to happen is the same God who promises to be with you during the suffering.
  • Everything has to happen how it happens for things to work out how God intends.
  • God works all things for good, even in the suffering.
  • For every evil, God promises to be with you, hurt with you, and heal with you as you go through it.
  • Suffering isn’t a sign that God has left you.Often when things look like they are going the most wrong, God is doing the most good.
  • in due time

    The Sovereignty of God Over Suffering and Evil

  • 2 – Preoccupy yourself with fulfilling God’s purpose rather than escaping your problem. Embrace the time you have now and stop wishing for the next thing.
  • 1 – Resist the urge to complain and instead fill your situation with praise. Let your pain trigger a praise as you position yourself to let God work on you while you wait.
  • How can we change our waiting room into a workroom?.
  • Sometimes even though our waiting rooms seem pointless or painful they can turn into God’s most productive workroom.

    Often blessings cannot be received unless we go through the trial of waiting.God put a new song of praise in his mouth.

    in due time

    Four Benefits David received as he waited:.When you recognize what doesn’t matter, you can focus on what does matter.Two questions to ask when life is hard:.I don’t have to understand the why to trust God in the what.We all have a what and don’t understand the why.Jesus hears the cries of desperate people.There is always a blessing when He brings you through it. Waiting humbles us and makes our attitude the same of Jesus.What God does in us is always more important than what we are waiting for.Waiting on God requires absolute trust.There are always lessons to be learned in waiting.There is always a purpose behind waiting.

    in due time

    We learn a testimony when we go through such a struggle, which we can then share with others.We learn to pray when we have nowhere to go.We learn to have faith when everything is going against us and all we have is God’s promise.

    In due time