They even have the opportunity to practice their challenges in front of a video camera so that they can watch themselves on T.V!!! The kids loved being movie stars and watching themselves perform. Some of our students invented their own challenges! Wow! Thanks for the helicopter, lasso and the egg beater ideas guys! Our Kindergarten and first grade students engaged in introduction to jump rope and a variety of jumping activities for heart health. Jumping rope is a really good cardio exercise for your heart! That's why we jump rope for heart.During our four day unit, our students learn a variety of individual challenges, partner challenges, and even begin to double dutch. You can set healthy goals, take selfies with different members of the scare squad, tour the NFL, check out new healthy affordable recipes monthly and much more!
If you follow the instructions on the tattoo and download the "Jump Rope for Heart" app on your smart phone or tablet you can reap the benefits even further. Granby students have already received their tattoo prizes for doing their part to save hearts. As part of Jump Rope For Heart and Hoops For Heart, your child will choose a heart-healthy message and share lifesaving tips. You can send it in the envelope that was sent home but you do not have to use it. Maselli, will dress up in a super uncomfortable disco ball costume for one whole day. We are hoping to beat that score this year and if we do I, Mrs. Our goal is for each student to bring in $5.00. Research suggests that active children are more likely to become active and healthy adults, with a lower risk of developing preventable diseases, including. On average American children watch 4 hours of television every day.

61% of children ages 9-13 are not physically active outside of school. Children who are obese are twice as likely to die before the age 55. Almost 1/3 of U.S children and adolescents ages 2-19 are overweight or obese. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States. Every 43 seconds someone dies from heart disease, stroke or another cardiovascular disease in this country. Heart disease is the number one killer in America. To help save lives you can share the importance of a healthy heart and donate to the American Heart Association to support science and research. She shared with them the importance of the American Heart Association and what you can do to save lives. Gibbons, also known as "The Heart Lady," came to present to each class. We kicked off our Jump Rope for Heart unit on February 5th with an assembly for every grade level.

Support our mission in helping raise money for theĪmerican Heart Association to help save lives.